Thursday, March 25, 2010

Round 03: Chance Interruptions

The approach being taken to bring the archive closer to its audience:
Interrupt daily routine to bring a higher awareness of the current situation and the archive.
To varying degrees, concepts in this direction impose archive fragments on a random audience. There are those who look to the past to learn, or to reminisce, and there are those who do not. As the present is a result of the past, this approach gives more power to the archive: it does not wait to be initiated by an interested user.

background principles
  • An archive is a collection of fragments. Digitization of its content aids fluidity of presentation and makes interaction with the archive more dynamic, and allows for new connections and interpretations to be made.

  • The technology that we have developed seemingly independent of the Supernatural now makes qualities of it even closer. (E.g. invisible forces, quickness, mutability)

  • Changes in one's routine, whether or not by chance, create a higher awareness of the current/"normal" situation.

  • Over text, audiovisual material is already communicating closer to the people. Sound and moving images were what we perceived before written literacy. Outside its original context, AV material can trick us into thinking it is current.

Three initial concepts are defined to explore these principles. They all take place off-site, but differ on who is curating the information. Beeld & Geluid is used as an impartial provider of content.

archive bomb
  • Guerilla warfare model: quick, temporary, anonymous broadcasting in public spaces that may produce chaotic results.
  • Archive fragment bombs are detonated without explanation: less information forces the audience to lay their own interpretations.
  • This is a one-time event. The effects are imposed on the memories and interpretations of the surrounding people.
  • Can comment on current situation using historic locations and political/cultural/religious events. Can be used as a way to take back broadcasting.
  • Curation by the people? If it were Beeld & Geluid, does it have an obligation to remain neutral?

  • Visual podcasts are broadcast on public train sunshades.
  • Geyser model: known location, but when it is triggered is not explicitly expressed. Spurts are short, appropriate for commuters of varying periods.
  • Can provide more information on the places passed on the train, but it could expand to have a visual radio feel.
  • Competition over broadcasting space filters out different parties who are interested enough to make a coherent podcast.

connect the dots
  • Running chicken model: finding meaning amongst randomness. Letting chickens (or people) run freely, the results of which reveal a new meaning.
  • Input locational data to be interpreted by the tag system of B&G. The system functions as a Supernatural power, giving a different meaning and overview that people cannot see as clearly.
  • Results of this are displayed in public locations; while the location is static, the information fed to it is now dependent on the surrounding people.

Another question arises: what is the effect of these ways of (re)broadcasting?

1 comment:

  1. One point of feedback from today's presentation: perhaps all can be fit into the archive bomb, since it is currently in a rough framework state, and concrete manifestations have not been defined (but the sunshade could be one, for example).

    Archive bombing has two phases, the making of it (and setting up), and the detonation. The first part will be defined more concretely and then the manifestations concretized.


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